some days are better than none
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interview: Derek John
Write This: You were to submit a story entitled Neighborhood Ghost(watch). What happened to it?
Derek John: She disappeared one morning while on her way to the library. Her decomposing remains were later found in a shallow grave on the edge of town. They say that she had met a strange man over the internet.
Hinge: this is outrageous. i have a question. where is the muffer?
Write This: Yes. Where is the muffer and what can pretendGenius do to help?
Derek John: Please decline to think about me at all.
Hinge: do you think britain is spitting out gooder writers than america? is book reading more appreciated and more done in britain than in america? i know there are other countries, like france and paraguay, but i'm curious about britain and america.
Derek John: That would be an ecumenical matter.