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writeThis.com, pretendgenius.com, cafehopeless.com and author.
All Rights Reserved.
some days are better than none
the mustard bastards
shakey will
all creatures
stephen moran
café hopeless - never coming soon (not really) in 2 weeks...
we're not sure if we're looking for videos for cafe hopeless but we think we are. there is a new one coming soon. we're thinking about taking submissions from you all but we're not sure about that either until we see something that someone sends. but before you send it, let us know that you'll be sending it so we can be prepared. although we're not sure what being prepared means. but we think it's better if you let us know. that's what we think.
books (at) cafehopeless.com
volume 5, issue iv, 6.01.2011
Lyndsey Ellis
Rico Craig
Joseph Lombo
Karen Herman
Johnny Wolowitz
Kim Göransson
Daniel Euphrat
lift play and swing the plastic army boys lost beneath the bed [underneath] and the pattern of the rug frilled at the edges lifted to find coins and chocolate wrappers and the glorious window—tree half-hanging and steeped in navigation